A better way to log data
2nd June 16 16:30 IST
Sayan Bhattacharyya
In today's post, we show how the HackPOD is optimized for better data logging. Read on to find out.
One of the most common microcontroller boards is the Arduino/Genuino Mega 2560, based on ATmega2560 chip. It's an 8-bit MCU and comes with 256 KB of flash memory, SRAM of 8 KB and EEPROM of 4 KB. While the available memory is great for small projects, there is no "hard disk" as such for data collection and exchange. In fact, we have seen no board maker emphasizing on a storage medium. One could make so much more with a storage space attached. Let's list some cool stuff -
- A program that writes other programs.
- AI of things: Since a storage space gives the ability of complex storage of memory and system states, a complex AI can be implemented.
- Data processing : Algorithms of data processing like image processing, audio processing can be implemented.
- Make a server : Hookup a Wifi breakout of your choice and you have a capable server with much more capabilities than a Tessel.
- Produce a graph of 1 year of weather variation in your home.
- And the list goes on and on.
Another board, the Teensy is a significant improvement over the Mega 2560. It provides full 256 KB of Flash memory & it has a 32-bit MCU with more than 5 times the clock speed of Mega 2560. But even then, projects described above will not be possible with Teensy. Teensy is also hard on beginners since wiring a Teensy is often frustrating. We know. We used Teensy a lot for its power and it's price.
Traditionally, data logging is currently done by connecting an Ethernet shield, or any memory card shield with Arduino. Such a setup is found on the Arduino website which looks somewhat like this:
This looks too simple as it is generated on a computer. Now let's see how data logging circuits looks like in real:
This is where HackPOD shines. It has a very fast SD slot with SDIO 1.0 capabilities together with a 32-bit ARM MCU overclocked at 96 MHz. Some guys over the Teensy forum have even overclocked it to 216 MHz. So you actually have the horsepower of first generation of Android phones.
So forget the frustrating parts of making tedious connections and make what you want instead.
Happy Hacking.